Originality as a Beacon of Creative Writing.

In recent times, I have been in conversations with writers where I have heard writers say “no writing is original”.  I beg to differ.

I believe that the fulcrum of every writing should be derived in Originality. While there are so many books published every year, which makes it hard to find truly original writing. 

The thought process that guides the process of writing must be ingenious enough to confer the label of “originality”.

Creative writing and creativity thrive in ideation, imagination and imaginative thinking. To stand out in the art of writing, Originality must shine through and must not be a dispensable element in the art of creative writing.

How do you create? How does the process of ideation work?

Allow the mind work it’s magic. Immerse yourself in critical thinking and let ingenuity be a vital part of your writing process. This will also help to reduce plagiarism and shed the toga of “copycat” which many writers have been accused of, including elite writers.

Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash

Can reading be a positive driver of creativity?

Reading can be a catalyst to propel a writer to new heights in the art of creative writing. It can be a tool to open up a writer to other ways of writing and thinking. As long as a writer is open-minded enough to see reading as a growth form. Then it can be a catalyst to unravel their own hidden gems.

Can learning be a form to advance originality in writing?

Yes, Learning can be a way to induce creativity for a writer. If not, many writers will not take that leap of faith to study creative writing or other writing related courses to gain mastery in the art of writing. Whether learning can be a catalyst for Originality is a debate that could swing whichever side of the divide you belong.

As writers we must drive conversations that hinge on Originality and Creativity in our works. We must write with the mindset of a creator; imaginative thinking must be a key driver in the way we see the art of writing. Originality means you don’t want to be a copycat of another writer, a wannabe of those who walked these paths before you.

Let Originality be the reason why you write. The quest to be renowned for distinct works must be a key motivator to fuel your passion. This must be the legacy every writer craves for. I was born for creativity and I will die knowing that my works stood out if not for elegance, or poise but my writings screamed these magic words out loud “Creativity and Originality” as the foundation of everything I stood for.

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