Osagie lights “The Touch” of writing mysteries that might tickle your fancy, hop in and let’s enjoy this ride.

Bio: Osagie Bill Aigbogun is a fellow of the ACCA with two degrees in Economics and Accounting. He has been a lover of entertainment for quite some time now, hence his putting ink on paper.

RLN: At what point did you decide you wanted to be a writer?

OBA: I decided I wanted to be a writer in early 2018 when I got the inspiration for this work.

RLN: Who were the early influences on your writing journey?

OBA: Michael Crichton, John Grisham, Sydney Sheldon, Robert Ludlum, Dan Brown, Jeffrey Archer, Chinua Achebe and Wole Soyinka.

RLN: How do you feel seeing your published work out there?

OBA: Fulfilled and excited.

RLN: Do you write full time, if no what do you do for a day job?

OBA: No, I don’t. I am currently an accountant with a multinational firm.

RLN: What challenges have you faced in the “art” of marketing your book considering writers are not naturally gifted marketers?

OBA: I have gotten help from close friends and acquaintances.

RLN: What would you say is a vital component in storytelling?

OBA: Suspense and keeping the reader in an unputdownable level.

RLN: What has been the major highlight of your writing journey till date?

OBA: The research involved, there is so much to do and learn all the time.

RLN: If you were to advice your younger self who is just starting this journey, what would you be saying?

OBA: Never stop learning, acquire all forms of knowledge, it will definitely come in handy someday.

RLN: Where can we buy your books and what makes it compelling to an avid reader?

OBA: Lulu, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Kindle and iBookstore.

RLN: kindly give your final words to the writing community on finding “your voice”.

OBA: You all have been an inspiration and I have dedicated my acknowledgement page to the writing community.

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